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What if you could transform any sound, sample, or audio source into any other instrument — in real-time?

A unique, responsive, all-in-one Audio-to-MIDI device, X-Translate is designed by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred to easily and instantly convert audio from any source — audio clips or live input — into approximate MIDI note data in real-time to drive any virtual or hardware instrument at your disposal.

While Live features offline audio-to-MIDI conversion, it’s not useful in a performance setting. It also lacks the sort of fine-tuning needed to obtain optimal results in context — let alone the option to quantize output rhythmically or into a specific scale and key.

In default Melody mode, X-Translate uses a root note detection algorithm with Sensitivity and Resolution controls to produce generally corresponding MIDI notes. In contrast, Drums mode simply triggers a specified MIDI note whenever the threshold is exceeded. In both modes, output can be quantized in milliseconds or via base metric note rate with multiplier and optional reset in bar intervals (for unique, pseudo-arpeggiated patterns) — and harmonically, via Global Hub-compatible scale and key.

A variety of input controls allow adjustments to better harness the audio signal for MIDI conversion without changing the actual audio output. Gain boosts the signal, threshold specifies the minimum signal above which translation occurs, while minimum and maximum range controls exclude low or high frequencies that could interfere with the translation process.

Finally, output velocity can be boosted or reduced, pitch can be transposed within the selected scale and key, and output can be delayed in milliseconds or in BPM-sychronized base metric note value with multiplier rates for uniquely staggered real-time call-and-response.



  • Comes with self-vocoder racks for Live 11 and above


  • Fractional note length multiplier in Drums mode
  • Pulse rate divisions
  • Delay time divisions


  • Optional Modern algorithm with Confidence control
  • BPM-synchronized note length option in Drums mode
  • Additional millisecond delay to combine synchronized delay rates with millisecond adjustments
  • Subtractive millisecond delay when BPM delay rate is enabled for further fine-tuning time alignment

Requires: Ableton Live 10.1.x (via bundled X-Relay) or higher (via I/O Matrix) running Max for Live 8.1.x on Mac or PC.

Includes: X-Translate device, X-Translate for Push 3 device, Utility Boost, manual.

Included with: Ultra Bundle, Max Audio Bundle, Max MIDI Bundle.

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Includes: X-Translate device, X-Translate for Push 3 device, Utility Boost, manual.

Info View Annotated
Learn all you need to know directly in Live - just open the Info View and hover your mouse over any parameter.
Scale Aware
Natively integrated with Live 12's scale and key for seamless workflow.
Theme Adaptive
Device colors automatically adapt to your preferred Live theme.
Optimized for Push
All parameters ready and available in Push.
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